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Unfolding Pekin, Illinois, United States


Pekin, Illinois, United States

Mission Statement

To meet the diverse needs of sensitive beings is our mission. We are all still unfolding… I would like to tell a story. A story of what might be, crafted by the ideas of children who believe nothing is impossible, their teachers, care givers, students, and those seeking they know not what. This story encompasses many whom have been drawn into the lives of an artistic, holistic caregiver who overanalyzes everything, and an absolutely beautiful work of art we call

Christophrax. Named by our Aspe

again teen for describing ze whom is as varied as the moods of the sea, as the emotional, physical, spiritual tides of chronic pain, and living against all odds, sculpted by doctors, nurses, and a system which believes it is a caregiving system, but can not see it’s own limitations can create... and so much more, or less depending on how one chooses to perceive that which we vibrate among Community Description focused around those of us who are sensitive, disabled, from overseas, those who have chosen to live more holistically. We are forming community in Central Illinois based upon being energy workers whom choose to live aware of the ebbs and flows of pain and suffering, as well as joy

, and unfolding which builds up beautiful manifestations in daily existence, sustainability, environmental care, self care, homeschooling, animal rescue, children's book writing, video game creating; expressing a whole, holistic view of an artistic expression of life. How an attitude of gratitude expresses itself in resilience, simple joys, following the flow of children, the disabled, rehabilitating a patient with patience. Yes and ways of being. Honoring Madam Crone, Mother, Maiden, and Hermit

  • Status: Forming

  • Started Planning: 2017

  • Started Living Together: 2017

  • Visitors Accepted: Yes, rarely

  • Open to New Members: Yes

  • Please read the details in Membership below before contacting this community.Send Message

  • Website:

  • Business, Project, or Organization:

  • Facebook:

  • Contact Name: Karanda Marshall

  • Phone: +13095735190

  • Type(s):

    • Ecovillage (organized around ecology and sustainability)

    • Shared Housing, Cohouseholding, or Coliving (multiple individuals sharing a dwelling)

    • Spiritual or Religious

  • Programs & Activities:

    • School, Educational Institute or Experience

    • Volunteer, Internship, or Apprenticeship, or WWOOF’ing

    • Ethical Business, Investment Group, or Alternative Currency

    • Organization, Resource, or Network

    • WWOOF'ing, Guest Farming

  • Location: To Be Determined


  • Status: We do not have land


  • Adult Members: 3

  • Child Members: 1

  • Non-Member Residents: 0

  • Percent Women: 61-70%

  • Percent Men: 0%

  • Percent Transgender: 11-20%

  • Percent Non-Binary: 11-20%

  • Visitors Accepted: Yes, rarely

  • Visitor Process: contact and follow flow. If it is meant to be, it shall be.

  • Open to New Members: Yes

  • Membership Process: We are following flow...

  • Additional Comments: Come grow with us. Currently in need of women/+ who have experience in tax preparation similar


  • Decision Making: we try to feel and talk our way to accord... if tranquility is not today, lets put a pin in this

  • Identified Leader: Yes, multiple identified leaders

  • Leadership Core Group: Yes

  • Additional Comments: Maiden seems to have dominion over decorations, and is our guide through happy humming vs quiet and withdrawn. Mother choreographs pets, and gives safe boundaries for Maiden while supporting Crone, and caring for our hermit. All the while asking to dance, paint, laugh, grow, and create, needing environmentalism to be central. Madam Crone expresses the needs of a unique place... She guides, and supports an island of misfit women as a second generation, small town, accounting and tax firm, while broadening into ministry of a chaplaincy nature. Our hermit guides from within the safe protected sanctuaries we can create, creating sanctuary for us.


  • Dues, Fees, or Shared Expenses: Yes

  • Shared Income: Partial Sharing of Income

  • Open to Members with Existing Debt: Yes

  • Additional Comments: We are sequestering ourselves safely during this pandemic.. We have stability and there are spaces which could be mutually beneficial. Mother sees consumerism as the root problem. Madam Crone has spent her life assisting people with an amazing understanding of the complications of tax law. Speaking of anyone with a desire to interest my Madam Crone in understanding Intentional Community Not for Profit tax possibilities, I would be thrilled.

Sustainability Practices

  • Current Renewable Energy Generation: 0%, or close to 0%

  • Planned Renewable Energy Generation: 50-75%

  • Current Food Produced: 0%, or close to 0%

  • Planned Food Produced: Between 26-49%

  • Food Produced Locally: Between 26-49%


  • Common Facilities:

    • Common House

    • Vehicle Share

    • Internet

  • Internet Available: Yes, community provides it

  • Internet Fast?: Yes, exceptionally.

  • Cellphone Service: Good for most people.

  • Shared Meals: 2-5 times per week

  • Dietary Practices:

    • Omnivorous (plants and animals)

    • Paleo (no grains, dairy, processed foods, or legumes)

    • Local

    • Organic (no pesticides or synthetic fertilizers)

    • GMO Free (only non-genetically modified organisms)

    • Mostly Vegetarian

    • Mostly Vegan

    • Opportunivore (dumpster diving, nature harvesting, etc.)

    • Raw or Mostly Raw

  • Dietary Choice or Restrictions: No - people may eat however they wish.

  • Special Diets OK: Sometimes

  • Alcohol Use: Yes, used occasionally.

  • Tobacco Use: Yes, used often.

  • Additional Diet Comments: I was able to get Kris in to see both the internal medicine and the gastrointestinal nurses. I confirmed my diagnosis of yeast infection with both of them while discussing the treatment of probiotics, followed by probiotics and tequila, f

ollowed by Fusion Chinese vegetables with capsaicin, Turmeric, garlic. By day to all symptoms of yeast infection had decreased to nonexistent. After that I followed it with a high protein and vegetable Atkins style diet to starve any remaining yeast. Within five days it was apparent that the yeast infection was not coming back and I gradually started adding in preferred foods. Last night we added McDonald's in for antidepressants I've also been adding Valerian Root to our coffee. vs, and or The following is from a member whom is unable to leave South Florida and her parent's home for her physical needs including food... Some may call me crazy however my body is a temple and I care about my health to where this is my reality. This isn't "oh look at me, I'm so perfect, here's my organic shopping haul" no, this is my life. I'm done being roasted,

joked about and not taken seriously. My health is my life. I have no life without my health.I've tried compromising, eating cooked food again, experimenting-seeing if eating raw was benefits I've imagined (like the placebo effect) and no matter what, it always comes back down to being raw. I don't care if this puts me on the outskirts of life. My GOAL is to make this more accessible, easier and normal for others to learn about. Health and nutrition should be taught in schools. We should be educated where our food grows instead of taking the grocery store for granted. We should care more about where our food is coming from and how to respect the earth and our fellow animal friends. I refuse to be one of those glamorous raw foodies who puts themselves on a pedestal and demands everyone to change just because you were taught differently. to please remind me to put healthy choices into my body periodically without nagging

  • Common Spiritual Practice(s):

    • Ecumenical (accepts all religions or spiritual practices)

    • Eclectic (integrates multiple religious or spiritual beliefs)

    • Unitarian Universalist

    • Paganism or Earth Religions

    • Rainbow Family

    • Taoist, Pantheist

  • Spiritual Practice Expected?: No

  • Education Style(s):

    • Home Schooling

    • Up to each family or individual

  • Healthcare Options: Up to each family, household, or individual

  • Additional Comments: Central Illinois, Peoria-Pekin is home to a vibrant community of individuals dedicated to making this world a place worth living in. While Central IL is code unfriendly to many community ideals, it is not inhospitable. Medical benefits, and qu

ality of doctors makes Central more secure during unstable times. Southern Illinois (also known as “Little Egypt”) is a land many know little of. It is a land of high sulfur coal, salt mines, corn fields, and a unique beauty of gentle rolling hills flowing into the plains. The lakes here are full of clay, sand, and fertile soil. It’s a place where time has stood still, and progress seems like a silver screen fantasy. Deeper south is the Shawnee National Forest, home to the Garden of the Gods, and many other natural, Native American, and pioneer wonders. This is the place perfect to build intentional communities. Our final place of interest and likely land purchase between now and 2025 is near Lewes, DE. We have purchased a short bus, stored in S. IL currently with plans to convert into a tiny home, medically provided to travel to existing intentional communities built around disability, prior to land purchasing.

Additional Comments

I want to tell you a story, a story of what we plan to create… Rehabilitating a patient, with patience is an aspect . To create small, self contained, ecosystems which require little to no maintenance to provide food, natural medicines, and environmental support. As communitarians health, and the weather allow travel... We are not well bodied, our environment is not pristine. We are bridge builders, otherly bodied, sensitize individuals from medically challenged to immigration challenged, and this is a story about our dreams.

Community Network or Organization Affiliations International Association of Women, Universalist Unitarian Association,

Fair Housing Laws This community acknowledges that their listing does not include any potential violations of the Fair Housing Law, or that they do not provide housing. For any questions about this topic please see our Content Policies and contact FIC with any questions or concerns:

Keywords spiritual, sustainable, yes and, unfolding,

If you want to join us please find us in our local WE Network group!


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