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Join our WE Network

  • 16 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Our online Private network of industry consultants, trade skills specialists, You will get access to all 5 of our sites Wanderers End- Join your local co-op community garden to provide your family access to real food! Insyant EcoVillage- Be a member of your local Co-op Village EcoJunk- Learn how to eliminate the concept of waste. Gaian Living- Join your local Gaian Living Feloowship to learn heal yourself. The Gaian Community is a non-profit organization purposed to create open-source and free-shared blueprints for The Highest Good of All. The resources we are creating simultaneously address the foundations of every major challenge our planet is currently facing. The purpose of this comprehensive approach is positive and permanent global transformation through building solution models that create solution-creating models. These models include sustainable and Highest Good: food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. WORLD CHANGE STARTS WITH ACTION We believe the ability and resources exist to create a better world through a duplicable model demonstrating what is possible. With this in mind, Gaian Living is a non-profit organization of forward-thinking people creating global transformation for The Highest Good of All. Our approach is starting and leading a movement of self-sufficient and self-replicating teacher/demonstration fellowship centers, villages, and cities purposed to forward the necessary knowledge base and global consciousness capable of positively and permanently improving life for everyone and everything on this planet. Our comprehensive community and village models are more affordable, last longer, artistic, beautiful, and designed to provide a more fulfilling way of living.



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Instant Eco VIllage

Instant Eco VIllage

Private96 Members


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